
Despite a promising start, this announcement has just been released from Dark Space Corp regarding the Beyond the Gates of Antares kickstarter:

“After much consideration we have decided to withdraw our project from

We’d like to thank you all for believing in us and backing us, GoA will still become a reality but through different means.

*We will take the next month to reassess our plans, during this time you will still see us on the forums and we will continue to post updates to our website. Once we have a plan set we will let you all know what it is so that we can continue to build GoA together. *

There are a lot of positives to take from this journey and we certainly don’t think of this as a failure, more a change in plans with actual direct

feedback from the market, which should help us greatly in the future. One of the best things we’ve done is you guys. We managed to develop a thriving community in a very short time, which is bursting with ideas and support for the project and for that we thank you and we will continue to want and need your help in the future.

There are too many people to thank, but we’d like to take the opportunity to give special thanks to these guys (in no order!): Melcavuk, Krazus, Prototheca, Endtransmission, Karl Pedder, Gylan Hunter, Michael Musson, John Wigley, Des Hanley, Karol Rudyk, Bruno Lavallee, Angelika Rasmus, Andy Gibson (brandnewbadidea), Golem Painting Studios, James Sherriff, Tim Prow, Kev White, Wojtek Fils, Bob Naismith, Andrew Chesney, Paul Sawyer

We’ll talk to you all very soon

Thank you!

Rick, Rik, John and Co” 

Although it’s sad to see the project fail it doesn’t come as a huge shock considering the vagueness surrounding the project, its scale of ambition and the £300,000 target.

I really hope we get to see Beyond the Gates of Antares becomes a reality as I think it has huge potential. But all we can is watch this space…