Following on from Wednesday's post, today I'm covering the Best Conversions portion of the painting competition. Once again, I'm afraid the picture quality was appalling. Partly because the lighting was so bad but also because I was rushing around getting pictures in between the many other things I had to sort. I'm sure someone will have better photos.

Anyway, if the Best Army was the biggest category then Best Conversions was easily the smallest. That was probably largely down to Nathaniel Gibbs' army being intimidatingly brilliant. You may have seen his army being created over on his Objective Secured blog. The single photo I managed to get doesn't anywhere near to it justice so hopefully people will be able to send me much better ones. I'll pinch a few from Nathaniel's blog to give you an idea of the quality.

The army is a Dark Eldar force (you can just about tell) which he has heavily converted into his "Danse Macabre" which is a dark carnival theme.

Stunning, I think you'll agree. I had the pleasure of playing with Nathaniel in my first game and boy did my Dark Eldar feel inferior next to his!! There's some amazing work in here and I can quite comfortably say I'll never achieve anything even close to this standard!

There was one other entry in the category from Matt Calow who received a single vote (from Nathaniel, who couldn't vote for himself!). It's probably a little unfair on Matt who'd done some stunning 3D printing work on his SM tanks. Again, I got to play alongside Matt in my second game and I can tell you they're just as stunning but for different reasons. You can check out more pictures of Matt's work here and elsewhere in the pre-event army showcase.

Next up, the single miniature categories for Character and Vehicle/Monster.