Ah, the joy of starting a new project! I’m back to starting another Kill Team right after the other just that I switched over to Warhammer now. The Dwarf Team is ready and I have something else to work on. I am of course ignoring the fact that I already started to build the Duardin up even more yet it’s always a good idea to talk yourself into having enough resources for a new project, haha.
Well it’s the Bretonnians this time. Always been a fan, never had the guts to work on them before. Woe is me though! After browsing through the net I came to the conclusion that hunting the miniatures is quite a masochistic undertaking as they are not easy / cheap to obtain. But that’s part of the hunting-fun, eh? Especially now that GW is reproducing lots of LotR stuff it’s Warhammer hunting season I suppose.
That’s how I imagine my Regiment of Renown from Bretonnia to look like:

1x Knights Errant
1x Knights of the Realm (Gallant)
7x Man-at-arms
3x Peasant Bowmen (3x Light Armour)

100 Points – 12 Models (all Core Units)

I started with a test miniature, one of the Men at arms. I’ll try to paint them in more natural colours and spare the bright shiny stuff for Knights. I had to go for the colour scheme of Couronne but more on this later when I’ll introduce the Knight.
Fortunately I found some old Bretonnian stuff still lying around covering dust in the FLGS around. That’s more than enough to set up my Regiment of Renown. But something tells me that the hunt has just started…Oh my!

My first man at arms from Couronne - you just got to love the look of his face.

My first man at arms from Couronne – you just got to love the look of his face.

Whew! At least I was able to grab a Bretonnian Battalion and the 6. edition Damsels pretty inexpensive.

Whew! At least I was able to grab a Bretonnian Battalion and the 6. edition Damsels pretty inexpensive.