For the last few years I've been involved in painting for and/or organizing the creation of excellent 40K armies top be raffled off by the NOCF. At the end of 2014 I even joined the board of the NOCF!

Well, things have been quiet on this blog for the last couple of weeks as I've been focused on photographing loads of miniatures that have been painted specifically for the 2016 offerings.

The premier army for 2016 comes from the brushes of our Artists' Consortium - a collection of fantastic hobbyists who have donated their time and talent to create these wonderful armies. It is the Ork army pictured above. The team (Team ORK) was led this year by Joe Johnson, who decided on the "air force" theme.

There are two other 40K armies on offer, as well as a Flames of War Soviet Tank Company, a 30K Death Guard detachment (perfect for expanding your Battle At Calth box set), and an X-Wing squadron, but more on these at a later date.

Raffle tickets are now on sale, and can be purchased HERE. And 95% of all money raised from the raffles goes directly to the various charities we support - Doctors Without Borders, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and The Fisher House Foundation.

Important things to note are:

• You can buy tickets from anywhere in the world!
• We will ship to ANYWHERE in the world with a valid mailing address!
• You DO NOT have to be present at the NOVA Open to win!
• A minimum spend of $10 is required.

Please spread the word, and this link ( and help us raise more money than in any previous year!
