Last night I got a bit more work done on the Ork Flyer and the Wraithblade. I'll post the pics of the WB later but for now some of the pics of the rusted death machine. Last night I got work done on the Pilot and right now it's just the basics but I'm going to add in the details and he'll have to get dirtied up as well.
 The plane itself is actually getting pretty close .. i think.
 I added in some more rust .. going with dark and medium. I want to add in more streaking but that will happen when the other bases is down.

 I added on the bombs .. I when with them very close to the body of the plane so the flaps would work. Like I had to do with the missiles. Then I started to rust the bottom as well, other then the rusting and streaking it will just be some powders to finish it out. Whoot. .   I still need to finish up the pilot and the gunner but it's nice the place is getting there.

 The display base is still up in the air. After looking at some of the pictures and angle it might work so I've been weathering it a little. Still rough so far but it's adding some personally to them.