No, not your significant others. Talking about the new battle box beast, the Troll Bouncer. Gotta be honest, I was one of the many that never paid attention to him before in MK ii, and I'm not really giving him that much of a look in MKiii except that he comes with the battlebox. He's got a ball and chain and a shield for attacks, very low POW on either weapon though. He's more of a defense guy than offense. He has the same Earth's Blessing animus as the Earth Born and he also packs shield guard to help block shots off your caster. I haven't been that impressed with him as of yet, but mainly because I have the Axer and the Impaler as more heavy hitters and the battle box games are usually over before shield guarding comes into play.
So with him being finished, I now have my entire battle box done and I can now field a fully painted and based force for the first time since playing trolls. Also decided on the slag troll for my addition to the Journeyman force and decided to get a group shot.
The Ol’ ball and Chain
by FunDave | Jul 13, 2016