Spent some time laying in the innumerable little details on the various models - the jade green on the various scarabs, various cables and grenades, and the glowy effect on the jump pack exhausts (which I obviously ought to photograph, doh). I think the wings work pretty well once the sergeant is in the squad - the extra color isn't quite so overpowering.
I always like the "laying in the first color on the bases" step in the painting process, it's at that point the models really start to come in to focus for me. Starting to look pretty decent now!
At this point I set the three characters aside, they'll all be finished individually from here on out after the assault squad is finished. Fiddling around with new lists for the NOVA Open now that the new books from Forge World have arrived. Almost every unit I had planned to take experienced a point adjustment in one way or another, but it's kind of fun starting from scratch and taking a fresh look at what will be fun to paint, useful on the table and most importantly, easy to transport!
Heresy Era Thousand Sons – Assault squad and characters nearly complete!
by Mordian7th | Jul 26, 2016