These will be leaving the desk a little bit later today.  Still have some detailing and eyeballs to do yet. 

 Above you see some of the skirmishers that I'm working on, and to the right a couple of Saxons.

Below a few Saxons and a couple of Vikings. 
With the Saxons, I'm going to be using a lot of different paint schemes with them to distinguish them a bit from Vikings.
A Viking berserker worked his way into the mix.  This is a converted Warlord Games model, like the one between the Saxons in the above photo.
 Below is a close up of one of the Saxons.  I really did not use a lot of these colors with my Vikings.  Even the leather is in a different color scheme.
These will get put in the que to clearcoat.  Once I get a big enough batch, I'll move onto doing that and the basing.  Next up.....more....