The cult is almost done now.  I'm cutting them off once I finish up the last layer of Orange.  I could keep going, but the point is to be efficient, and adding teeth, eyes, etc at this point kind of defeats the point.

There were a few comments about the orange on these guys, so I thought I'd list the recipe I've used.

Base: Jokero Orange (or Ratskin flesh, note below)
Shade: Fuegan Orange
Touch up: Jokero Orange (layers are very transparent, so a quick touch up on all the raised sections helps)
Layer 1: Troll Slayer Orange (this is quite transparent, so if you don't do Jokero Orange it won't be very bright)
Layer 2: Fire Dragon Bright (this just goes along sharp edges to pull out the details)

Note about the base, to save time I used Ratskin flesh on both the skin and orange for the base coat.  After the shade (purple for the flesh and orange for the cloth) you wouldn't really be able to tell, and I think it helped speed things up a little.

In the pictures below the two characters have the final orange highlight, but the other guys don't.