It has been a little while since I plugged a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign on the blog here, and currently there are two being run by two friends. I thought this little lull right before Gencon might be a good place to slip this in. ; )

First up we have Tablescapes Dungeons: Mines from Secret Weapon Miniatures, Reaper, and Dark Art Miniatures. This is a set of totally modular pieces that enable you to build your own dungeons for roleplaying and skirmish adventuring. The look quite cool, and will be produced in durable PVC. The campaign is going quite well, and stretch goals are being unlocked on a fairly regular basis.

If you are into roleplaying or dungeon-crawling, this will be right up your alley!

The second crowdfunder is an Indiegogo campaign, by my mate Rhys Knight, called Brassed Off. Rhys has dabbled with some wargaming/modeling accessory crowdfunding before, and is now gathering funds to start producing some very cool sheets of brass-etched detailing for wargaming minis. Rhys has just started his campaign and has a very modest target and some great reward levels for those looking to increase their inventory of brass detail sheets.

Check his campaign out. I think the sheets of Cogs, and the Metal Plates (shown above) are the two most germane to my interests : )