So, I'm musing on what to take to a 1500 point almost highlander style tournament in November... I am planning to take the Deffskulls, which means we need guns... lots of guns...

I have also built a display board that would be fun to take, and the Gorkanaut as the centrepiece. However, the gorkanaut just isn't very good from a rules point of view. And I am going to a tournament. I'm not the type to take a cheesy deathstar beat face list, but at the same time do I want to add in a deliberate handicap? If it was 1850 points, I'd go with it, but in such a small points list, 250 or so on an armour 13 walker that can be one shot-BOOMED out of the game is a hell of a risk...

So here are the bones of the list I'm forming, it works out at roughly 1500, I need to refine wargear as I'm working on rough numbers here.

Your list is allowed a total of two duplications, no triples. I kinda wanted to have two squads of shoota boyz and not bother with the grots, but I decided that more tankbustas was just better with so many extra guns...

HQ (Warlord) Big Mek Mega Armour KFF Da Dead Shiny Shoota Gitfinda

HQ Big Mek Shok Attack Gun Gitfinda 3 Ammo Runts

T 10 Boyz, shootas, big shoota, Nob Bosspole

T 10 Gretchin and Runtherd

E 12 Tankbustas inc PK Nob, 1 Tankhammer, 2 bomb squigs
 ded tran Truk, ram

E 12 Tankbustas inc PK Nob, 1 Tankhammer, 2 bomb squigs
 ded tran Truk, ram

HS 10 Lootas

HS 10 Lootas

HS 10 Flashgitz
 ded tran Battlewagon, ram, Zzapgun, 4 rokkits

Idea being to put lootas and SAG in some cover (put the SAG in a squad for ablative wounds) use either the gretchin or the orks (whichever ISN'T with the SAG) to grab a spare objective, and then have the tankbustas and flashgitz plod along doing drivebys at whatever they can. The warlord joins the flashgitz making the BW more survivable and granting the squad slow and purposeful, which makes those squad equipped Gitfindas all the tastier. Could arguably put the SAG in with this squad too, but that may be overkill for a single target... however if playing against a deathstar list in a tournament setting, there's no kill like overkill...

Now normally in Ork lists, I'd say this was ridiculously thin on numbers, but it DOES have lots of guns... which is what the deffskulls are about. I just wish I had more points, as right now I have too many cool conversion ideas that I wanted to show off to choose from... I have my Gorkanaut, ideas for warbuggies and deffkoptas, killa kans... I won't be able to use any of them...