Sandy Mitchell's The Greater Good is the latest installment of the Ciaphas Cain series. Just like all of the others, this is a great read, humorous and action packed at the same time. In this novel, Cain starts out facing off in a doomed battle with the Tau. At the zero hour, when all hope is lost, the Tau pause and want peace. Why, well the cover is a good clue, the Tyranids are coming. It turns out the Tau have found a Tyranid splinter fleet and it is headed straight for the Damocles Gulf. What ensues is a lot of humor, politicking and action as Cain tries to save the day, and himself at the same time. Again, a great read, well worth picking up in any format. In other news, while I have been a sluggard on the blogging front, my modelling has been going pretty well, I should have a nice backlog of figures to display in the coming weeks, including the finished Fellblade and some Disciples of Caliban.