No, it is NOT whispers from the Void.

It is Jawaballs!  Coming back from the dead?


After many years of struggling I have finally managed to purchase my own home.  After a year and a half of living in a dark, dungy basement at my sister's house and recovering financially from the Big D, I now have my very own MANCAVE!

Yes folks, I am returning.

Step  One:

Finish setting up my new paint station. For the last 18 months it was incredibly difficult for me to find inspiration trying to work in the situation I had.  Well I have fixed that!  I will be posting pics soon.

Step Two:

Get back to basics.  I will be starting my Jawaballs Live up again, on Brush Lickers United.  I will tentatively be broadcasting on Tuesday Nights EST at 8pm.  There you will be able to keep weekly tabs on my army projects.

Step Three:

Create!  I have two armies in process, My Leviathan Nids and my Mech Blood Angels.  Both are going to be completed.  I also have a ton of Drop Pods and more Blood Angels to do yet another army.

So stay tuned as I finish prepping for my relaunch and get back to bringing what you all love!

And yes, there will be giveaways during my live shows!

I would take some pics but my equipment seems to be hurting from lack of use.  This needs to be remedied.

Oh and are any of you Fantasy Football masters? I need help with my upcoming draft! :)

Please contact me if so!

Or just contact me any way. :)

I'm Back.

More to come...
