In 007.M31, the Alpha Legion Cell designated 'Gamma Sol' was tasked with purging the world of Persepolis, which had become infested by warp entities led by Corbax Utterblight... 

Played a game against some Ruinstorm Daemons! Played Shatterstrike w/ Clash of the Lines. 2,500 points, he used Age of Darkness FOC, no Formations, etc. He used a house rule that we use for Heresy Daemons, Eldar, and Orks, which is double max squad sizes, so he had a unit of 40 Plague Bearers w/ a Herald w/ the Grimoire, and giving them all Feel No Pain! He also had Corbax and a Daemon Knight (which I guess is a little questionable 30K fluff wise?).

Anyway, poor, poor Corbax Deep Struck into my deployment zone and then immediately got erased by a unit of Sniper Veterans (he scattered into rapid fire range). They put 13 wounds on him out of 20 shots. Bad scenario for a T8, W7 model. He really should have Feel No Pain or a 4+ save.