A guest blog by Stephan from the Heresy30K forum

So, while I was rereading A Thousand Sons, I decided to take some notes to use when fleshing out my Sons 30K force.  I've copied those notes below and will continue to updated as I re-read Prospero Burns if any new info is in there.  If you have info that I'm missing, please let me know and I'll continue to add to this post.

Thousand Sons use the term Fellowship instead of Chapter.  They also only have 9 of these Fellowships instead of the usual 10.  They started with 10, but after suffering severe losses to one Fellowship, Magnus consolidated them into 9.  In Egyptian, a grouping of 9 gods is called a pesedjet, which is a term seen over and over again with the Sons.  9, also a grouping of 3x3, is seen as an auspicious number in historical numerology, and is also the number of the Chaos god Tzeench (which I'm guessing the Sons didn't realize back in the day).  Each Fellowship is composed of a mix of psykers from the different Temples.

1st - The Scarab Occult
 - Captain:  Ahriman, Chief Librarian, Corvidae Temple Master
 - Symbol:  Scarab
 - Notes:  This is Magnus' elite psyker unit and also composed of terminators

2nd -
 - Captain:  Phosis T'Kar, Raptora Temple Master
 - Symbol:  Pheonix
 - Notes:  Phosis T'Kar went through Flesh Change during invasion of Prospero and was killed by the Custodes Valdor.

3rd -
 - Captain:  Hathor Maat, Pavoni Temple Master
 - Symbol:  Unknown
 - Notes:  Hathor Maat survived invasion of Prospero

4th -
 - Captain:  Ankhu Anen, Guardian of the Great Library, Corvidae Temple
 - Symbol:  Unknown
 - Notes:  Ankhu Anen died defending the Great Library during the invasion of Prospero

5th -
 - Captain:  Uthizzar, Athanaean Temple Master
 - Symbol:  Unknown
 - Notes:  Uthizzar was killed by Magus to prevent Uthizzar from alerting the rest of the Legion that the Space Wolves were about to invade.

6th -
 - Captain:  Khalophis, Pyrae Temple Master
 - Symbol:  Unknown
 - Notes:  Khalophis was betrayed by his Tutelary and destroyed with the Titan Canis Vertex during the invasion of Prospero.

7th -
 - Captain:  Phael Toron, Raptora Temple
 - Symbol:  Unknown
 - Notes:  The 7th were the Fellowship which remained on Prospero during the Great Crusade to train new recruits and protect the homeworld.  Phael Toron was betrayed by his Tutelary who fed so much power through him that Phael Toron detonated in a warp explosion 1km across, which is also what ultimately brought down the Canis Vertex.

8th -
 - Captain:  Auramagma, Pyrae Temple
 - Symbol:  Unknown
 - Notes:  Killed by Space Wolves during the invasion of Prospero.

9th - The Hidden Ones
 - Captain:  Amon, Corvidae Temple
 - Symbol:  Unknown
 - Notes:  This Fellowship provides Scouts and Amon serves as Magnus' spy master.

 - Corvidae:  Scrying/Divination, Symbol is a raven's head
 - Athanaean:  Telepathy, Symbol is an eye or owl (??)
 - Pavoni:  Biomancy, Symbol is a colorful feather
 - Raptora:  Telekenesis, Symbol is a raptor's talon (??)
 - Pyrae:  Pyrokenesis, Symbol is a pheonix

As a huge Thousand Sons fan myself, I appreciate Stephan putting this together!
