I picked up a Corvus Blackstar, as I thought it looked an awesome model. It has good rules too. Well it has a build quality that matches, nay exceeds it's looks and gameplay.

If you TRIED to mess this kit up, you would struggle, which may not speak well for converting opportunities. However, for building the model itself, it is sublime. The pieces gel together like they do so with a will of their own... I barely felt like I needed to glue it at all. It's like the pieces WANT to be a Corvus, and who can blame them? At a push, you could maybe get the missile warheads and the missile exhaust ports the wrong way round. I didn't try, it may not have fit if I had. Pretty much every other piece had it's own snug place in the build, and you could tell if something wasn't in the right spot.

This kit was such a pleasure to build, I am going to buy more just to build them. I'll then plan an army around putting squads in however many of those things I happen to build...

What's that? Deathwatch aren't supposed to be a horde army? Oh shush, my orks have a 10k headscarf, if I want to make the deathwatch an op-for I need to think big ;)

I am so pleased with the kit, I may even email gw. I think whichever intern has to open the emails and sift through the undoubted hatred that spills forth deserves a brief interlude of praise for a change.