Traitor’s Hate Hits the Field – Disciples of Twilight vs Blood Ravens

November we have our big annual 40K tournament, the Standish Standoff. I figured I’d start working towards that with my lists, and I also wanted to try out some new stuff in Traitor’s Hate. The list I used is pretty tame, but I was aiming for a theme.

The formation I was trying out was the Helforge Warpack: 1 Warpsmith, 3-5 of Helbrute, Maulerfiend, Forgefiend, and Defiler in any combination. The benefits are getting to Daemonforge twice a game, and one vehicle becomes the Alpha and gains a 4+ invulnerable.

Continue reading Traitor’s Hate Hits the Field – Disciples of Twilight vs Blood Ravens at Creative Twilight.