Back from outer space! Well, further away cities. This past weekend I went to Chicago for some private coaching with my buddy Mark, I also did some airbrush tutoring up in Wausau, more on those excursions soon. For now I still have more Trollbloods to show off. This time, the new caster Ragnar Skysplitter is taking the stage.


A weekend out of town has been very refreshing. I've had a lot of things to sort out for my future painting career and it was nice to get some time away. There are a lot of opportunities coming my way and the only question is, how busy do I want to be?

Also, what have I been listening to? Coupled with one of my best friends moving soon, someone I've made a lot of "music" with, it's been a lot of harsh music. The kind my other friends are getting too soft to listen to. So, in that vein one of the few bands doing it right lately I present the musical sounds of G.O.D.