Some more progress on the Eldar project this weekend, and I've almost finished this Fire Prism tank...

As you can see, I used the same scheme I've used on the rest of the army, and the same weathering techniques as well (just some minor staining). I used more bone white on this model than earlier vehicles, just because I actually really like this colour. I think that the blue panels work best when they are used sparingly.

A couple more angles on the tank:

Here are the additional parts that will eventually make a Fire Prism. I've hit a slight flaw here: the transparent components have :"fogged" slightly. This is a really unusual reaction for these parts, as I usually use a small amount of plastic glue and it doesn't cause any reaction at all. My online research suggests that it might be because these are closed components; the fumes are what has caused the change. In any event, I've asked my client if he would prefer if I painted these parts - I think they will look much better with the same gem-effect I've used on the tanks.

What's next? I'm waiting on some parts for a Tyberos conversion for a Space Sharks army, and I'm also undercoating the bits for a Crimson Hunter (the last vehicle for the Eldar commission - woo hoo!). Meanwhile, I'm hungrily eying the new Genestealer Cult release: I'm pretty sure that I've decided on my next 40k army...