Hey all, so this battle report is between me (Chris, being represented by Huron) and Mark (playing the honourable space wolves). We played in my cosy living room so the lighting is not great, which I will apologise for now! I set the board up in advance and although fairly sparse had a decent spread of line of sight blocking terrain. We took it in turns to deploy objectives, Mark trying to group all his objectives together and me trying to space them out.

Space Wolves Army

Bjorn the Fellhanded (Warlord)

Venerable Dreadnought with frost axe and blizzard shield

Venerable Dreadnought with frost axe and blizzard shield


Logan Grimmnar on Chariot

Njal Stormcaller*

Rune Priest Lvl 1*



Chaos Space Marines Army

Huron Blackheart (Warlord)

10 Cultists with Autoguns

10 Cultists with Autoguns

5 Chaos Marines with melta gun

6 chosen with flamers

3 Obliterators

8 Bikers with 2 melta guns and a lighting claw

Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne

Maelstrom of War, Mission 6

I won the roll off to set up and chose the board edge that would give me the best vantage point for my Obliterators, knowing that they were my best chance at downing any of those flyers and then I gave the Brass Scorpion an unmissable spot in the middle of my deployment zone. Huron gives D3 units the ability to infiltrate/outflank, and I rolled a 4, giving me 2 units. I chose a unit of Cultists (what use are they against this army!) and Huron's unit, again not the best weapons load out for this opponent.

Mark then deployed and gave Njal a good spot to shoot people, then went for a refused flank approach to maximise his limited movement.

Turn 1: Mark seized the initiative thanks to Bjorn's rule that gives him +1 to the roll, and proceeded to advance in an orderly fashion. Njal and his meat shield body guard advanced through the building, getting in range with his special formation power of the Obliterators. In the psychic phase Njal casts his spell without a hitch and proceeds to roll triple 6 for his number of shots. Through the barrage of fire power, one Obliterator falls to the aggressive lightning storm. Shooting phase and the few weapons are ineffectual. No charges this turn. Mark achieves 1 Victory Point.

I move around with my bikes to avoid any kind of assault from any of the many killy units on the other side of the table, the Brass Scorpion advances, I can see no way to avoid combat with those two Dreadnoughts, so I make a b-line for them instead, at least I can rob some attacks from them? My Rhino moves out to secure an objective and my Cultists cower. Shooting is ineffectual on all counts, the Brass Scorpion isn’t very accurate and the Dreadnoughts are sturdy. The Brass Scorpion charges and amazingly I only suffer 2 penetrating hits, no explodes results means the Brass Scorpion is down to 7HP. I get one glance through the 3+ invulnerable save in return. I manage to It Will Not Die with the Brass Scorpion to gain one back. Thanks to a lucky roll on a D3, I score 5 Victory Points this turn.

Turn 2: Mark raced his other dread towards the scorpion and started to swing round with his force, Grimmnar eyeing up some juicy Cultists for pulping. The Stormfang came on targeting the chaos marines rhino. The psychics were not very effective with nothing occurring, shooting and somehow Bjorn misses the bikers and the Stormfang explodes the rhino killing 2 marines. Combat and the dreads somehow only manage to take one hull point from the Brass Scorpion while it immobilises the damaged Dreadnought. Grimmnar charges and pulps the Cultists, wiping them out. In the end mark scores 3 Victory Points, one of them being First Blood.

Huron and his Cultists arrive both from my left hand board edge which is perfect. The Cultists need to grab the objective near Logan and the chosen and Huron disembark to aim their powerful flamers at Bjorn's AV 10 backside. The bikes move to target Murderfang with their melta guns and the remaining marines move to the skyfire ojective to shoot the Stormfang with their melta gun. Huron gets forewarning on his random power generator but Njal puts him in his place and denies it. The bikes melt and explode murderfang much to my relief, on the other side of the board the marines miss the flyer. Huron and his boys manage to take one hull point of the ancient Space Wolf. The Brass Scorpion takes a hull point but kills the wounded dreadnought in return. I score 2pts.

Turn 3: The stormclaw comes on and targets the bikes, other flyer moves to target the bikes. Grimmnar takes this opportunity to line up a charge against Huron, Bjorn moves to assist. Psychic and Njal kills two bikers. Shooting and the flyers kill 1 bike each after they elect to jink. Grimmnar and Bjorn charge the chosen and Huron. Huron takes on Logan while Bjorn takes on the unit. 3 failed armour saves later from the Hammer of Wrath attacks and the champion is dead and Huron is on 1 wound. The chosen do 2 hull points to Bjorn in return and then are wiped out by Grimmnar (Went for Initiative 1, strength 8 just so he “could” instant death Huron) as Huron fails all his saves and dies in a gory mess. In other news the Brass Scorpion finally kills the other dreadnought. Mark scores 1pt.

My turn 3 and I move the bikes and the Chosen’s Rhino to shoot Bjorn in his backside and the scorpion eyes up psyker blood. Shooting and I kill Bjorn with a humble glance from a snapshooting combi bolter on the rhino. The bikes shoot at Grimmnar and do no damage, then charge and are all killed (its CHAOS!!!!). somehow the Strength 10, AP2 6 Attacks Brass Scorpion only kills the Rune Priest and remains locked in combat with Njal. I score 3 Victory Points.

We have to call it there as there is little time left to pack up and I need to eat breakfast on this table in the morning. There was not a lot left to do for either side, thanks to both of us throwing far too many points into big models. It was a great game though, and with line breaker and so forth, the final score was 11-6 to chaos!

- Chris Lord