Continuing my small themed Bughunters force...

So first up we have First squad, with Apone on Auspex, Hudson on the verge of falling down an acid burn, Vasquez quite possibly being mistaken for a man (but I sure as hell aint gonna tell her) and Crome and Wierzbowski making up the numbers...

Second squad is joined by Ripley, Hicks has his shotgun for close encounters, Drake has sorted his helmet camera, Frost is staying cool and Dietrich has a feeling they don't show up on infra red at all...

The team of course have a Corvus, but that's fairly standard and I'll take pics of that once I have some paint on it. But they also have a rhino...

Correction, razorback...

I guess I can play it as either depending on how many points I have. No, it doesn't move I'm afraid, I'm not that skilled...

Edited to add: Got some paint on the base for the Corvus... it's a start at least...