Hi guys! Sorry for the long hiatus but I'm slowly getting back to the hobby table. I've been doing some painting lately and will post more pictures soon. On another note, to all Malaysian gamers, 40k tournament in Bangkok! I know most (maybe all) of you won't be able to make it due to the short notification and the flood situation in Bangkok (don't worry, this side of Bangkok is not affected) as I just heard from the organizer a few days ago. But if you're interested, do drop by and have some 40k fun with the Bangkokians. This what I got so far from the organizer:

-2000 points
-3 rounds each (Swiss style presumably)
-Partially painted army
-Each round will be based on scenario
-No forge world
-All legal codices, Sisters of Battle based on White Dwarf. Also including the latest Necrons Codex.

- 500 baht (around RM 50) payable in advance. And it will be refunded on the day of the tournament (???) I guess its free as long you showed up. Need to clarify this with the organizer.

- 1st place winner will get the GW Dreadfleet board game
- Not sure on second place or third. Will get this clarified as well.

From what I see here, it's a pretty loose tournament with less ground rules and regulations like the ones we have here in Malaysia. The main reason here is to encourage new players to join in the fray as they are surge of new players here in Bangkok. Less emphasize on the hobby aspect and more on the gaming side from my point of view but it may be a worthwhile experience. I'm joining the tournament and who knows I might get the coveted Dreadfleet board game. From what I heard there are 7 slots left and I can forward the fee should any of you interested to join in. Again this must be on a first come first serve basis and ONLY you're totally sure if you wanted to play. If you're serious do send an email at faizalsan@gmail.com so that I can inform the organizer immediately. I can also point up some affordable accommodations near Battlefield Bangkok. 

If you have any questions, post it in the comment section and I'll get you sorted out. Ok, that sums it up. Till then laters...