Fourteen years in the making, the first short novel (now not quite as short) I'd ever written is finally ready to be published!  And you can pre-order it today at a reduced price!  
Rails End, California. 1980s. As a former Vegas magician, Jack knows the world is full of shallow illusions. That’s why he’s grinding out a new life for himself as a smuggler, counterfeiter and debt collector for a local crime boss, and trying to stay off of everyone else’s radar. 
Unfortunately, keeping a low profile just isn’t in the cards for the Jack of Spades. After a little trouble in Chinatown, Jack’s employer decides to send him on a working vacation. He’s to retrieve some stolen museum pieces on the island of Saipan. But Jack’s not the only person on the job and the other interested parties are more than they appear.  Hell, they may even be more than human…
Urban fantasy, crime-noir, and Asian myth merge in this darkly entertaining novel of pulp adventure. 
 Find it at these retailers now at $2.99.  Once the book officially launches on October 31st, the price goes up to $4.99.
(Note that this new cover may not appear on some of these sites quite yet.)