
This evening I have been having a bit of a play around with the new Citadel texture paints. It was specifically the the new Valhallan Blizzard paint (the snow effect) that I was interested in as I have always liked the idea of snow bases but the effect of realistic snow has always been difficult to achieve.

I must stress that this article is not a review as such (I work for GW so I cannot claim objectivity) rather my thoughts on how to best use the paints.

The base shown above was first painted using the new version of Armageddon Dust, washed with Agrax Earthshade and drybrushed Screaming Skull. Tufts of Mordheim Turf were then applied using superglue. The rim of the base was finished with Steel Legion Drab.

The next stage was to add the snow. This was done by simply applying patches where I wanted snow. Here are my observations based on using Valhallan Blizzard for the first time.

  1. As with any paint, it is best to apply the texture paint thinly at first and then build up layers once it is dry. A thin layer of Valhallan Blizzard will still show the original base colour underneath and add the effect of thin or thawing snow. Heavier snow piles can be built up by adding layers on top concentrating on the middle of the pile. This leaves the thawed snow around the edges and simulates the snow melting in a realistic way.
  2. The best results can be achieved by combing different materials. In this example I added gloss varnish over the snow to add a glistening effect which makes the snow look more realistic.
  3. Valhallan Blizzard can appear discoloured by the paint underneath. Adding more of the texture paint or even painting over the top with white gets rid of this appearance.
  4. This paint looks at is best, in my opinion, when combined with tufts. Small blobs of Valhallan Blizzard can be painted directly onto the tufts which, when dry, look great. This also stops the base looking too monotonous.

I think I will definitely be adding snow to the bases of the Crimson Fists that I am currently working on for a staff painting challenge. More on this later.
