No dramatic progress to show off. Lots and lots of priming, some test fitting of the big subassemblies, and a whole lot of over-thinking the paint scheme.
The Testors Titanium Metalizer spray paint  looks great over the black primer. I did the guns with Leadbleacher spray for some variance in the bare metals. All of the armor plates have been back-painted black and I have started to do detail paint on the legs.

As for the main color, I have been testing a few different shades of grey. I'm making this titian as one from the Legio Gryphonicus (War Griffons) Of course this means I'll have to repaint my Warhound to match, but it's a small price to pay for awesome.
This is (mostly) the scheme I am going for. Mid-grey kinda color. Gold trim with a white, (maybe red) head. At the moment I am favoring Tamiya Haze grey as the main color. It'll be fun.

The Emperor Protects
Even against runs and overspray