"In my day, adverts were adverts..."

"When I was a boy, all these pages were just quality content."

"I used to wake up in the morning and had to play quality boxed games for 10 hours before I got out my paint brushes."

Ah, nostalgia just isn't what it used to be. But yesterday was clearly a nostalgia fest, with Realm of Chaos 80s receiving over two thousand page views (the most its ever had in a single day) and a fair few new followers and contributors to the comments section. 

So thank you all once again. A year and few days ago I would have never imagined that we would have achieved the things we have. From a few passionate individuals, to a real community planning its own Oldhammer Weekender, under the auspices of the Mighty Avenging Bryan Ansell himself. 

I've had some very positive feedback from my recent trawl through the ancient archive of my White Dwarfs. These selections pre-date the main focus of this blog, Third Edition, but are interesting just the same. Many of the figures that we have been looking at were available and used for WFB3 so its nice to see them in a slightly different light.

Today, its adverts.

Here's a quite run down of the better quality adverts I found during my quest into the depths of 80s White Dwarfs. Orcs, Dwarfs, Chaos Warriors and Feudals battle for your attention and command the opening of wallets. Hordes of mulleted miniature enthusiasts, with the arms of their T-shirts undoubtedly torn off, probably beat down the doors of Citadel Miniatures in a frenzy to get hold of some of these beauties.

There is lots of nice painting to be seen too. 

Mostly by Colin Dixon. 

When greenskins were more than chunky, generic brutes.
These dwarfs are so lovely that if you pick them up they leave a little pool of character behind. 
I LOVE THESE! I really do hope that the Ansells still have the moulds for these brilliant models. If they  do , my bank account may suffer. 
"No spikes here Bob, an' you can stick your skulls up your ar...."
Here's hoping you saw something new here...
