Dameon Green was not the only one to play in a tournament the weekend of February 9-10th...

The Toledo Game Room was having a 2 day, Adepticon Primer event.  Saturday, would be the single player championship style event.  On Sunday, would be the two player team tournament event.   

Primer rules can for the championship can be found here.
Primer rules for the team tournament can be found here.

Saturday, 2/9/2013, 9:30 am

The event turned out to be a decent sized event, but I was actually expecting more people.  We had 20 people playing consisting of several very good players.  In anticipation of the first round starting up soon, I decided to get my army ready on the display board.
My List:

Space Marines (Main)

Space Marine Captain (100) with bike (35), artificer armor (15), and power fist (25) = [175]

Drednought (105) with 2x twin linked autocannons (20) = [125]

Drednought (105) with 2x twin linked autocannons (20) = [125]

Space Marine Bike Squad (8 man) (215) with 2x melta guns (20) and an attack bike (40) with multi-melta (10) = [285]

Space Marine Bike Squad (4 man) (115) with 2x melta guns (20), a melta bomb (5), and an attack bike (40) with multi-melta (10) = [190]

Space Marine Bike Squad (4 man) (115) with 2x melta guns (20), a melta bomb (5), and an attack bike (40) with multi-melta (10) = [190]

Thunderfire Cannon (100) = [100]

Thunderfire Cannon (100) = [100]

Eldar (Allies) 

Farseer (55) with Runes of Warding (15), Spirit Stones (20), Eldar Jet Bike (30), Guide (20), and Doom (25) = [165]

Guardian Jetbike Squad (3 man) (66) = [66]

Warp Spiders (6 man) (132) with Exarch (12) with dual death spinners (5) = [149]

War Walker Squadron (3 vehicles) (90) each with dual scatter lasers (90) = [180]

Total = [1850] 

I haven't had too much of an opportunity to play this list competitively (Only 6 games).  However in the games I have used it, it had preformed admirably.  It does have its weaknesses, but it is pretty balanced and extremely fun to play. 

Round One
Adepticon Primer Mission #1
Opponent: Travis
Army: Orks with Tau Allies

His list (roughly)

Warboss on bike with powerfist and assorted gear
7 man Nob Bike Squad, pain boy, assorted gear

Warboss in mega armor with assorted gear
5 Mega Nobs

Shas'o with missile pod, flamer, fusion blaster, 2x shield drones, and other wargear

10 Lootas

30 Ork Boyz with rokkits

12 Fire Warriors with Shas'ui upgrade

2x Broadsides with 4x shield drones and other assorted gear on the leader. 

Aegis Defense Line with quad cannon

Travis was a nice guy.  He opened up conversation about how we loved orks and tau and was showing off some of his conversions.  He also talked about how this list did at a previous tournament and was excited to try it out again.  We set up terrain, objectives, and he decides to go first.  He rushes both of his assault oriented units towards my fire base and takes pop shots with the lootas and broadsides but does no damage.  I managed to hide 3 warwalkers, 2 dreds, 6 warp spiders, and a farseer behind a piece of terrain!  The unit he does shoot at is a large unit of bikes, but thanks to my warlord trait, they had feel no pain while on the objective.   My turn one, I doom is nob bikers, guide my warwalkers, and proceed to fire at that unit with practically everything.  After the dust clears, all he has left is a warboss with one wound left.  I also fire at his trukk and kill it.  Thanks to ramshackle, the Mega nobz fling forward right next to my warwalkers (sorry guys). I did manage to thin them out and some of the lootas, but it wasn't going to save the warwalkers.  However, knocking out a 600+ point deathstar in one turn would be a reoccurring theme during this tournament. 

His turn, he begins to sweat it out, the Mega Nobs move up to kill the war walkers, the warboss hides like a little girl, the shas'el deep strikes in to try and kill a dred, and everything else shuffles around.  He kills the warwalkers (can't blame him) and wounds a thunder fire cannon.  My second turn, I doom the mega nobs, guide my warp spiders, and shift my units around.  I finish off the warboss running away with my rifle dred, though he did try really well to dodge those autocannons.  The other warboss and mega nobs with the combined fire of everything finally fall.  I use my thunder fire cannons to finish off the lootas, but sadly one of them remains.

Long story short, the game is over at this point in time.  I have lost one unit and he is all ready down by 5.  He acknowledges this, but we keep playing anyways.  He shoots and kills a dred with his shas'o.  The broadsides shoot at the other dred, but thanks to 3+ cover nothing happens.   My entire army races forward.  I finish off his annoying shas'o with a hail of melta gun fire.  My thunder fire cannons begin to focus on his fire warriors and orks and cause massive causalities.  We play two more turns, but it is just mop up.  He fails to kill any more of my units while I proceed to bolter and thunderfire cannon his orks to death.  On the bottom of turn five, the last broadside dies to a melta gun.

I achieve the two mission objectives (kill points and objectives) and score first blood, slay the warlord, and line breaker for full points. 

After the game, I think Travis was in shock.  He revealed to me that he has never been tabled before.  But after talking through what happened, I think that he underestimated what doom can do to units.  Doom allowed my bolters to lock on to maximum effect.  It also didn't hurt that I was able to snipe out his pain boy with precision shots from the warp spiders.

Round 2 versus Chaos/Daemons coming up next time!