One of the most important functions of any blog, is the promotion of other bloggers work who produce content similar to your own. Doubly so, if the blogger has a very similar sounding blog name to you own. Recently, I have been posting selected early 'Eavy Metal material from the mid '80s as well as a few adverts from the 'Golden Age'. 

Thank you to everyone who shared an opinion on those. 

I stumbled across Nico's blog a fair few months ago, and to be honest I don't check back often enough. I am glad I did today, for the well of quality painting and collecting that confronted me was outstanding. After spending a good thirty minutes or so soaking up the old school charm of his blog, I came to the conclusion that Nico has to be the greatest, if not the greatest, painter in the broader Oldhammer scene.

Don't believe me? Have a look at these...

The Chaos Dwarf Juggernaut is one of my 'dream models'. Frighteningly rare and expensive to get hold of by all accounts. Nico's is the best painted version I have ever seen, or ever will I suspect, and I adore the references to '80s painting, most notably on the shields- with Fraser Grey and John Blanche homages aplenty. 
A full frontal view, with more details from the shields revealed. 
Brilliant tone and execution on that wood, and the grain on those shields look hand painted. Sensational work!
The '80s old school influences don't end with Chaos Dwarfs of old. But orcs too. The execution of the blanche inspired shields is remarkable - don't you think?

Nico doesn't just focus on fantasy, here's an incredible Gargant. Very old school orky don't you feel?
There's plenty more to see over on his blog. If you're not already a follower of Nico's work and you have even a tiny interest in Old School Warhammer or 40k, you would be a complete fool to miss out.
