Hi everyone,

I am back again with a short post on the Viking Berserkers.  I left off last post with the washes on the fur areas.  Today I continue working on the fur and beards and get them out of the way.

I do this for one simple reason - drybrushing!  This is a great technique, but I find it very messy unless done carefully.  So I like to finish all the drybrushing before I start the highlights and lowlights.

I usually drybrush with the base colour first, then gradually drybrush with lighter tones towards higher areas or areas towards the ends of the cloak.

The next step is to tip certain areas sparingly with white.  Once again this is towards the edges and top areas.

The last step is to give surgical washes in brown or black along folds or lower areas to add some depth.

The same can be said for the beards, but on a smaller scale and area.  Now with all the drybrushing ready and done,  I will start painting on the lowest or innermost areas of the models.  In this particular case it will be the leather, inner cloaks followed by the skin, but that is for another post and day.

Until then farewell and good health!
