Hi all,

Doc here with the launch post for our fourth annual December event.  In the last 3 years we've had Dreadful December, Forgemas and Ho Ho Ho Horus Heresy.  So yes we like 'PUNS'.  This years special event is called Dismember December (thanks Luko Dakka).

So yes we are Khorne themed this year but why?  Well back in September we all got a lovely Slaughter-priest model for free and we thought it would be fun if we all paint up our priest for this years event and then let you guys 'our readers' vote for the best paint job.

That's not all this year we would like you to send us your painted slaughter-priests and maybe even blog about your entries.  All you have to do to enter is email your entry to code40kblog@gmail.com. Please include your name and if you have blogged about it some blog post links all will be included in the final voting post.

So look out for our WIP posts throughout December culminating with a voting post at the end of December or early January to decide the winner.  Before anybody asks about the rules yes you can convert the model the only rule is the free model must be the base model.  

Good luck all may the best DOC win (woops) may the best painted mini win!
