No video for this update, just some photos. A few people asked that I post the photos of my finished models so far. Well, here is the first squad of Neophyte Hybrids. I have 30 more of these guys to paint, which will take a little while, but won't feel like a chore. The 3rd and 4th generation hybrids are the ones that really draw me to the Genestealer Cult. I'm not sure why, but they do. Perhaps you can speculate in the comments section?

I finished this unit of Aberrants over the Thanksgiving weekend. I like them a lot. The pale/purplish skin works really well with the pale/yellowish carapace. 

And here's a shot of the bad of one of the Aberrants. I got to push my highlights and shadows a bit more with their muscular backs.

Next on the docket is another squad of Neophytes. After I prime the models black, I hit them with a strong white coat of primer from above (about a 45˚ angle). The next step, which you can see in this photo, is where I hit all the armor/carapace with a layer of GW's Seraphim Sepia wash.

I would have had a little more done on these guys if I hadn't been distracted. Last Friday I (like many others, I'm sure) picked up the latest edition of Blood Bowl. In a fit of nostalgia, I have decided to re-create the Human team that I did back in 1994 when BB 3rd edition was released (the edition this one is very closely based on). Meet the Black Gulf Buccaneers! I've had quite a bit of fun converting these models. An arm twist here, a torso twist there, and head swaps galore; these pirates stand ready to take to the nearest Blood Bowl pitch (after a good coat of paint, of course).

I can only hope that Francois D'Atant, one of my catchers, can rise to the same giddy heights that he did back in the days of the Blood Bowl league in GW Newcastle (Australia).