Some people have all the luck. 

Are you one of them?

My old gaming partner, Dan, is one such individual. Last week, he was trying to explain the concept of Oldhammer gaming to a colleague at work and was discussing the growing Old School gaming scene on the internet. They didn't believe that he was involved, so he loaded up some of the posts he's contributed to here at Realm of Chaos 80s in the past. 

One observer commented (and I paraphrase here) that 'I've got a few bits and pieces from years ago in my lost to do with that. I'll bring them in tomorrow if you want them.' 

Of course, Dan had no real idea what these bits and pieces would involve. He suspected a few ghastly plastics from the mid 90s, he nearly collapsed when he opened his haul the following day...

Dan and his Heroquest Haul. The original set (in mint condition), all the UK expansions (also in mint condition), the extremely rare Advanced Heroquest paint set (yes, you guessed it, in mint condition) and a copy of WD 145 (yes, it was in mint condition!)
These brought back a fair few memories, though neither of us played the expansions back in the day. 
All the classic Citadel Miniatures are in mint condition.
That includes the rare Ogres from the expansion. I'd never even seen one of these before. 
The Advanced Heroquest Painting set was also mint, with all the models still on the sprue, the paints still in position, the second edition painting guide and a Heroquest poster. 
In side the box Dan found two mint skeleton horde sprues and their shields, a single sprue from the plastic regiments box  with the shields and a mint sprue of the Advanced Heroquest Hero models. Lovely stuff. 
Obviously, we decided to get some Heroquest games in. Dan decided to be Morcar first and selected a suitable scenario for us to play. 
We added lots of little rules to spice things up as we played, including characters jumping on tables. Here my Elf and Barbarian battle it out with goblins, orcs and a chaos warrior! Smell the 80s! 
I ran the Barrow of  Witch Lord for Dan. 
Dan ran the Bastion of Chaos for me. 
Fantastic production standards throughout the set, the resources and miniatures are better than modern releases.  
Some of the spells that were available. Loving the old school pen and ink illustrations by Gary Chalk. 
I am sure you will agree that Dan has scored quite a deal here. He asked me how much his horde would be worth and I estimated easily £200, if not more. Not that Dan has any serious plans to drop this lot on eBay, being a serious collector of Heroquest related material. He plans to restore and paint his original copy of the game in the future, keeping this set mint, and get his hands on a copy of Advanced Heroquest and do the same. 

His good fortune got me thinking about Oldhammer bargains in general. 

Have you ever scored a fantastic Oldhammer bargain? You know, when quite by accident you get your hands on something really special for next to nothing and either keep it as part of your collection, or sell it on.  I did the same with 2nd Edition Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay source books at a Car Boot Sale. I bought the core rule book and 6 other hardbacks, all in very good condition, for £20 before selling them on eBay for £280. 

Quite a profit!

Do you have any memories of Heroquest you'd like to share? Or boasts you'd like to make about rare and classic Oldhammer items that have come your way through luck?

If you do, please comment below because we'd love to hear them!

Orlygg and Dan.