Thank you Hy-Vee gas rewards card for a nice tank of gas!
Last weekend we made our annual trip up to Saint Paul for Con of the North. It is an awesome Friday thru Sunday con. This year Zach and Brian, friends of mine also cam up with my wife and daughter for a weekend of gaming and good times.

 Con of the North is the highlight of my winter gaming. Getting to go up north with friends and family and play some awesome games on the best terrain I have ever had the pleasure to play on. While the registration methods of the con has much to be desired in efficiency and effectiveness, the games Terrain Specialties run are top notch. So much so, it has caused another dilemma, too many sign ups.
I registered online in November for the February, and while I got into the Sunday RTT fine, I only got into one event out of 5 on Saturday. Of coarse due to their system, I did not know until registration Friday night. I was very upset.
So we made lemonade...... I focused on playing games with my daughter and just hanging out. I finished painting my army and wrote my list up since I forgot it at home on the computer desk.
Sunday saw a packed RTT with 38 people playing! The armies on display were very top notch and the table are premo. Unfortunately I was doing well and never took any army pictures. I did get pictures of the tables. I'll post those up in another article to follow.
So I leave you with Saturday pictures of the con and yes I will go back next year. This time I hope to run a couple events on Saturday, in an attempt to work around this stupid registration system.

Zombie game I really wanted to play, unfortunately I did not get in. A trend you will be seeing more as you scroll through the pictures.

 Open gaming tables were set up for pickup games. They always had some action on them.

First person shooter style Halo game using 40k figs. Signed up for it but not in time it seems....I have never played this but it looked fun.
My buddy Brian at his first Con of the North.

My daughter at her 3rd Con of the North!


Legends of the Old West game. I signed up for it but did not get in. My buddy Brian did play in it and I have played in it in the past. Very fun and beautiful board!