Hi everyone,

Well, another year has gone by and to be honest it was a pretty shitty one - at least from where I am standing.  The only good thing in 2016 was the hobby in general.
This year had great miniatures, great games, great Kickstarters and great modeling and paint jobs.  If it was not for the hobby, 2016 would be nearly at the top of the other terrible years since the new millennium.

Despite it all, I am feeling positive for 2017!  I feel it will unlock even greater goals for the hobby in general and myself personally.  This year I have also managed to continuously post on a weekly basis nearly without fail.  I will try my utmost to keep the trend going.

So let me wish you all a happy new year from the bottom of my heart.  My your lives be full of joy and good health.  So until we meet again in the coming year - I bid you all farewell!