OK! now for the big finish!
Continuing with the painting of the big base, I was reaching the stage in painting the lightest areas of the marble. I had switched from the #8 round to a liner brush. This would not only allow me to get the very thin veins in the marble (and fine highlights on the logo design), but paint the cracks as well.
The liner brush is great for this, as it holds a lot of slightly watered down paint. This lets you work across the surface with those fine lines. You can see in this image that I did some highlights on those cracks.
I also started painting the vehicle bits.
Some rust is applied to the vehicle bits using the watered down calthan brown, followed by some vomit brown into that mix to lighten it.
Now it's time to glaze and tint the shadow areas of the rocks. I put a series of glaze colors on the palette... black, sepia, green, etc., and worked the shadows darker and darker.
Once all the darks were finished, the base was ready to go!!
Of course, most of the base gets covered by the giant thing standing on top of it, but at least you can see it here. :-)
Stay tuned for the next base!