I'm back this week to take a peek at the few models I managed to work through.  Despite a hefty work schedule and horrible weather, I managed to clear out a few more models for my Adepticon Skaven army.  This week I have my clanrat command for the unit I have already completed, my second (and last) warpfire thrower weapon team, and my two packmasters.  This leaves me with 85 models left to paint before Adepticon which has me pretty stoked.  Once I finish my Skaven I'm leaving behind the confines of large armies for some skirmish level games for awhile.  So without further adieu, let's take a peek at the finished models for this week.

First up let's look at the clanrat command.

Now let's take a peek at the packmasters and giant rats. (well, one unit, the other unit pretty much looks the same).

Next, let's look at the warpfire thrower weapon team.

Finally, a few shots of the army with units completed so far.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the new additions.  I will likely add a few details once I have free time but most things came together pretty well.  I now possess a good method and standard color palette for the army and I know how to paint those colors and how to paint them pretty efficiently.

So what is left on the painting docket?  Next up I am painting 8 gutter runners followed by my battle standard bearer, and a warlock engineer.  After that I will return to clanrats for another unit of 35 before finishing everything off with a unit of 40 slaves.  So all told, 85 miniatures left out of 220.  Not too shabby.

I'm still analyzing the missions from Adepticon 2012 and I plan on trying to write something later this week about what I expect in the 2013 missions, where I think my army is strong, and where I need to shore up some weaknesses.  So expect that later this week.  Next weekend I'm also hoping to get in a practice game against a local friend up at the FLGS so I'll report back with any details on that.  Also later this week I should have the gutter runners finished.  Eight models of mostly brown, black, and metallics... shouldn't be too bad.