With CATCH underway I set to the task, managing to get my entire first phase undercoated in that brief spell of pleasant weather we had on Tuesday. And I set to the units with a paintbrush today...

I have about a third of the squad of commandos done... Snikrot and another 9 to go. It's not an original idea, I've seen it on the internet and was inspired, but am pleased with how it's come out nonetheless...

One of the other CATCH participants is planning to do Blood Angels, so hopefully we'll catch him off guard at the very least...

I also got my big mek Barney and a squad of grots done.

I am still waiting for one person to submit their list before I do a post detailing the various participants and their efforts, although Ken has started his storyline and we are bouncing ideas off each other already, which is fun.

And finally, a piece unrelated to CATCH - I finished my bloodbowl team, and have set a date for the season kick off.

Have written up my roster, need to dig out my old coach and apothecary, although I do want to update the apothecary, the problem being I've spotted an awesome model online... but can I find it ANYWHERE to buy? Can I hell! Best I can establish it was a prize at a Spanish bloodbowl competition at least 5 years ago and while there were some available on the day and it wasn't a one off, I do think it was a limited run, which is a damn shame as it is an awesome model...