Yes, it's back. It's pretty much a repeat of the first one, but with more CGI! 

When I posted my blogging plans for 2017, I asked what kind of articles people would be interested in seeing. One of the biggest requests was for more Better Know a Blogger articles. I loved doing this series, it gave me a great chance to get to know a little bit about the various different 40k bloggers out there and find out a bit about their background. 

In the first run of the series, I managed to get an awesome 23 participants before the replies started to dry up. 

I am going to make an effort to get the series going again, trying to find some new blood to add to the ranks as well as contacting previous entrants for a second round of questions. 

So, what am I looking for?
  • Do you have a 40k blog or other gaming blog and would like to take part? If so, contact me at and we can arrange your entry for the series. The questions are not invasive and you don't need to answer everything if you don't want to. It's a great way to introduce yourself to the blogging community and to pick up a few more regular readers for your posts. 
  • Better Know a Reader- Don't have your own blog, but wish to take part? If you are a regular reader and/or commenter on the blog and wish to take the survey, email me at to take part. 
  • Questions! I plan to contact previous participants for a second round of Better Know a Blogger questions. What are some of the burning questions that you want to know about your fellow bloggers? Comment below with your suggestions. 
I have followed a bunch of new blogs recently and will try and contact the writers to see if they want to take part. However, a lot of blogs I follow don't have any contact information on the blog page, so this makes it difficult. If you are one of the blogs on my reading list and haven't taken part yet, please get in touch if you want to contribute!

As for the rest of you, please spread the word. Feel free to link to this post in your own blogs or pester some of your fellow writers about taking part.