Why not rap up that Saturday battle report in one go?  I am sure you guys have been eagerly waiting for it anyways. 

Round one can be found here.  My list can be referenced in the first post.

As a reminder, Adepticon primer rules can for the championship can be found here.

Round Two
Adepticon Primer Mission #3
Opponent: Pete
Army: Chaos with Nurgle Daemons

Before I begin, I would like to note that I am starting to get sick of facing this army (get it... sick?).   Its not that the army is the best list ever, it is just annoying.  Every time I face it, my opponent decides to go on a save rolling rampage and despite my pouring in enough fire power to remove entire units, I only kill two or three models.  Exacerbating this issue is that I have been facing it a lot since the release of 6th edition.  There have to be other kinds of armies in the chaos codex!!!

His List (approximately)

Nurgle Bike Lord with power ax

3x 9 man Plague Marine Squads with dual plasma
1x 9 man Plague Bearers

10 man Nurgle bike unit with dual melta

2x 5 Havoks with mark of nurgle and 4 autocannons
1x 3 Obliterators with mark of nurgle

Ageis Defense Line with quad gun

During terrain deployment, he wins the roll off.  He places his defense line and then places the next piece of terrain.  Given that it is relic, he takes a non LoS blocking piece and places the piece right in the middle where the relic would be.  This sucks as it maximizes the havoks and oblits table coverage.  The rest of the terrain placement goes as normal.

I win first turn and set up my army to take advantage of seizing the relic first turn.  Note that bikes can turboboost in the shooting phase allowing for extra movement on the objective.  I deploy the vast majority of my army behind a fortified ruin.  He places his army mostly behind the aegis defense line and his bikes hug his board edge.   Naturally he seizes the initiative and begins to go after the relic.  Bikes move flat out to get into my face as fast as possible.  His army opens up on my exposed bike squad and causes lots of casualties.  The unit doesn't die or run (thankfully) but man his autocannons were on fire and my saves were horrid.  In my turn, I shift over my army to try and get that relic and focus on the troop choice in the middle of the army.  They are out of doom range, but I guide my warwalkers.  I am also trying to avoid that massive bike blob of doom.  I leave one 5 man bike squad 23.5 inches away from that unit and figure they would be fine.  I open up with the thunder fire cannons, the dreds, the warwalkers, and everything else and leave one model behind.  Seriously?   He grouped them up in a template friendly formation but he made his saves like a boss.

His turn two, he moves his bikes up to try and get a 12 inch charge off, he moves his plague marines up to seize objectives, and shoots again.  Once again, killing tons of bikes and killing my warlord. So like that I lose first blood and he gets slay the warlord.  Damn havoks.  Then he declares a charge against my 5 man bike unit and rolls a 12.  YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!  Yep shit just got real.  Thankfully he wiffs horribly and only kills 3 of the five models.  But being codex space marines, I combat tactics my ass out of that assault and he fails to catch me.  Then being 15 inches away from the board edge, I roll a 14.  Pretty damn close to running off the table....  On my turn two I recognize that I am taking heavy casualties and I need to turn the tide.  I target the bike unit with doom, guide the warwalkers, and line up everything to fire into that unit.  Doom just made this a game.  On the bottom of turn two, I manage to wipe out that deathstar and his biker unit. But in doing so, I made a fatal mistake.  I move my warp spiders and farseer out into the open with their assault phase move in order to start pushing forward.   I also finish off the dumb lone plague marine in the middle of the table. 

His turn three he continues to move up to take secondary objectives, abandoning the relic.  All of his guns focus fire on the warp spiders and farseer.  Once again my saves fail me and I lost the entire unit.  He made his points back, but doom is essential in tackling all of those t5 models!  Turn 4 I start firing at his havoks with the TFCs and move the remainder of my forces against his troop choices.  Naturally, he passes the vast bulk of his saves despite tons of fire power.  In turn 5 he returns fire and kills a single war walker and kills a handful of more bikes.  At the bottom of turn 5,  he has 2 objectives clearly in his control, I have one with another one in my grasp, and no one has the relic.  Given that the game can end turn 5, I decide to go "balls out" and figure out how to win this game.  I move a 3 bike models onto the relic, I move 3 jetbikes onto one of his objectives to contest it, and I move my last bike models onto the objective within my grasp.  Right now I am winning, so the game just needs to end.  I finish off his one plague bearer squads.  Throw 8 TFC shots down range to thin out another plague marine squad killing 4.  Then I turbo the objective closer to me.  Naturally the game goes to turn 6.....

On turn 6 he begins picking off my small units and puts himself in a position to force a draw turn 6 and win on turn 7.   My turn 6, I go for the draw as I have hardly any scoring units left.  We roll for the game to end, and it does.  It is a draw straight down the middle.  However this is where my opponent does something a little bit strange.

We start talking about the game and he says that there is no reason the game should have been that close and that his dice rolling was off the hook.  He also mentions that by us having a draw, neither of us were going to win the event.  After our conversation, he concedes to me and gives up full points.  This has never happened to me.  I was a little dumb founded and talked to him to make sure he wanted to do this and he said yes he does.   Still at a loss, I thank him for his generosity and he thanks me for teaching him how to use his list more efficiently, fix up his list for next time, and improve is gaming etiquette.   This was an unexpected turn of events if I do say so myself!

Now I am walking into round three with full points.  Only one other player has full points and naturally it is Daemons!

Round Three
Adepticon Primer Mission #6
Opponent: Brent
Army: Daemons

His army was roughly

3x 7 man flamers
4x 9 man plague bearers
3x 7 man Screamer Units
Aegis Defense line with Comms

Not your stereotypical flamer/screamer list but an army which can mess you up, especially an all bike army.  I win the terrain set up roll and deploy three large ruins to take as much space as possible in my deployment zone.  He wins the roll off and forces me to go second.  During my deployment, I spread out as much as possible.  The TFCs get places on the second floor of ruins where they have perfect LoS to 95% of the table.  I put all of my expendable units around those which I need to win this game (warwalkers, dreds, tfcs, warp spiders, and farseer).  I note that if I can drop Fateweaver turn one, I can end this really quickly.  

He gets his preferred wave of 2 screamers, 2 flamers, Fateweaver, 1 plague bearer squad.  Brent decides to play extremely aggressively in order to get first blood and slay the warlord.  He places his first flamer unit inches away from the board edge and from my units.  Rolls the scatter.... and they go off the table.  Brett rolls on the mishap table they that mystical "1" comes up and the unit vanishes.  First blood and a truly annoying unit is gone from the game.  Sensing no fear, he tries the same thing with the other flamer unit.  This time they scatter onto my bike captain and mishap.  Thankfully for him if he rolls a 4 and they go back into reserves.  Fateweaver, and both screamer units deploy in the middle of the table, plague bearers land far away from my army.  You are probably saying to yourself that I lucked out, but honestly if he would have gotten those two units on, my game plan would not have changed at all.  he runs forward but is unable to get his sweeping attacks off.  

On the bottom of turn two I doom Fateweaver, guide the warwalkers and begin to get in bolter range with all of my bikes.  Needing sixes to hit, I decided to use my twin linked bolters to try and ground him before bringing the big guns to bear.  Luckily, I ground him using the third bike unit and the bolters are constantly forcing him to re-roll saves.  Then the warwalkers and warp spiders have their turn and I kill fateweaver.  How the tables have turned!  Taking up 24 twin linked shots wounding on 3's with a re-roll does that.  I still had my dreds and tfcs left over and I turn towards a screamer unit and dish out the pain, killing all but two of them.  I charge a 5 man bike unit into the small screamer unit, took some damage, but with the impact hits and regular close combat attacks, I finish off the unit.  

Jokingly, my friend Brad comes over and says the game is over and he should just concede, but we play on.

Turn two he gets his flamer units on, his last screamer unit, and two of his plague bearer squads.  Screamers deploy where the last unit was.  The plague bearers hide near objectives, and the flamers try to snipe off my farseer and a wounded bike squad.  The squad going after the farseer scatters a far distance off  and are unable to shoot at him, so they target a different unit.  He finishes off the wounded bike unit with flamers the other flamer unit does nothing of note.  The screamers charge a 5 man bike unit with my bike captain attached.  With overwatch, I was able to kill one screamer and Brett passed failed his charge.  I doom the screamer unit which was right in my face and begin firing.  First step was to fire the TFCs solid shot at the template friendly formation flamer units.  Against one unit I manage to hit 4 times and on the other unit I managed to hit 3 times.  After the smoke clears, one model in both units is left alive.  I finish off the loan flamers with bolters.  Against the screamers, I fire at them with everything else and finish off the doomed unit.  At this point in time, Brent has 1 full screamer unit, 3 untouched plague bearer units, one plague bearer unit off the table.  I have lost a handful of bikes.  We keep playing.  

Turn three, the screamers move up, charge and kill a bike unit.  I doom the screamers and move everything up as fast as possible to intercept the plague bearers.  The screamers die a painful death.  At this point, Brett concedes the game.  He has 4 squads who can't get away from all of the guns pointed at them.  

I win the tournament with perfect points and the only undefeated player.   My partner for the Team Tournament Primer, Bill Kim daemon player extraordinaire, takes second place.  Rounding out the top five going 2-0-1 is Alex B. winner of the Feast of Blades invitational with daemons, Tim G., a frequent tournament goer, and Greg Sparks, or captain of the American ETC team.  Ultimately, I lucked out.  I wasn't expecting to be handed a win in the second round.  If that didn't happen, I still had a shot a first place, but it would have been much harder to achieve given my potential opponents.  I pull in some awesome prize support and prepare for the next day's event.