I noticed an interesting trend...buying discounts.  There are plenty of online stores that offer great deals but many of them charge shipping or require you to wait to get it.  They also take from the places that actually give you table space.

Beginning of the month Beltway Gamers announced a partnership with our home store Dream Wizards.  For $10, you get a card that gives you 10% off of GW/PP merchandise.  Last week, Chuck's Comics (my second home) offered $20 for 20%.  Both good for a year.  Since I try to buy some stuff from each when I have a big project, I picked up one of each.

With the number of people that complain about stores not giving discounts (but you still play in), I think this is a welcome sight.  Better than charging for tables.  Makes those impulse purchases less painful.

Lastly, a friend asked about a comment I made on my blog post about Minitaire paints.  He asked about putting a BB in the paint to aid in the mixing of it.  I wanted to show some pics of the paint pre-shaken.  While the BB may not be necessary, it saves a lot of effort.

The "gold" is stuck at the bottom.  Took awhile to mix it even with the BB.

Ditto on the Gun Alloy

Cracked leather (pre-shake)

Mummy pre-shake

 I should have some pics of the models in another post.  Been relying heavily on the airbrush to get most of the cultists done.  Been happy with how they have been coming along.  I can't wait to show them off.