It's a bit later in the month than planned (hours to spare as I post this) but here's this month's update. Today's letter is the letter 't', for tanks and terminators.
With a big 4v4 game next month, I've been spending this month getting my sekhmet ready. No named characters means I can't use big red, but it just means more points for terminators and tanks.
One of the tanks I'll be taking is a stripped back predator. This tank wallowed in my bits box for months, but the game is a great excuse to paint it up. I'll keep it clean and crisp, with some intricate freehand for the former weapon mounts.
I also had a go painting up this chap, a cheap and cheerful disc sorcerer, made from general odds and ends. Because the disc is quite small it'll probably be used as a lesser sorcerer for formations and small games.
Next up are a few more terminators. My 2k list for this game demands three terminator squads, all fully painted. With the official models painted, the cataphractii and the tartaros conversions are next.
Lastly, something a bit more historical. This Tiger is something a bit different, the lesser known Porsche variant. Only one was thought to have seen battle, the rest being lately converted to the Ferdinand/Elephant.
It's a conversion I've been meaning to do for years (two houses ago!) and I thought it'does be a nice break from all the blue.
A short but sweet post, I'll keep you updated over the weekend.
Workshop data logs: January 2017
by Matthew Davies | Jan 31, 2017