Though Crazy Ivan came relatively easy to me, I have had somewhat of a struggle actually picturing those void pirates - or perhaps not the picturing, but how to actually turn that into miniatures. Not that easy to make the minis flashy and flamboyant and at the same time time keep them gritty and darkcore - which is still the way I want to go. But having thought it over during the weekend, I have come to the conclusion that they don't all have to be flashy - captain will of cause, but for the rest I'll try to focus on that they are actually pirates. A ramshackle horde of misfits, hardcore (though extremely romanticised) criminals - feared for their ferocity and their failing respect for human/xenos life. Thus the minis will reflect this side of things, hopefully showing some badass characters you'd make sure to hide from and you shouldn't be in doubt why they ended up pirates. I focus less on making them look like Caribbean pirates but still try to incorporate little reference bits and pieces - and hopefully draw them all to gether with the paintjob.

Next up is this bloke - not named yet - I wanted something brutal with a big gun for my hullbreaching team.