So yes, as this title states, this thing is FINALLY done!  It took me WAY too long to complete, but I'm sure my friend is going to go banana sandwich when he sees it tomorrow.  I have to apologize for the really crappy pictures here.  I wanted to take great ones since it was finally done, but it seems my 2 year old thought otherwise when he took my memory card for my nice camera off my desk and hid it God knows where...  But anyways, check below for more!

Here is the front view.  Such a sexy beasty!

Now the other side!  I have to say, this was a great model to work with, but deceptively detailed.  I figured I would knock it out in a few days, but the more I painted, the more I noticed that I needed to paint >.<  I lost motivation along the way as well, and while I am glad that it is now done, I have absolutely zero motivation to paint mine, haha.  It will probably just stay in its bags on the shelf for a while.

As for my other stuff, the Warpsmith and Mauler Fiend are coming along nicely!  I have the armour weathered, so now I just need to start on the actual detail...yay me.  They are wonderful models though, and quite small in comparison with what I just painted, so it should be a nice break.    Here is what the Mauler Fiend is looking like currently:

So yes, armour weathered, now on to the fleshy parts, and then the trim on the armour, and then the glowy bits!!!!  Anyhow, it's past 1am here and I have class tomorrow afternoon, so I'm off to bed.  Take care and feel free to leave some C&C if you have any.