Over the past few weeks, I have been working with the members of the American Warhammer 40k ETC in developing their blog and website.  Well, as of yesterday, they have finally been officially released!

You can check them out here:

For the main website: http://teamamerica40k.com/
For the blog: http://ta40k.blogspot.com/

With that being said, it is still a work in progress as we develop content, applications, and simply get rolling.  I predict that it will be only a matter of time until it is one of the most popular blogs in the 40k atmosphere!  Lofty dreams?  Maybe just a little bit.

Stay tuned for more updates as this project keeps rolling.  I will remain as one of the main authors and the editor to this new website.  So now you can hear my ramblings on two different pages! 

Oh yeah... almost forgot.  I heard that there may be a contest to get some free swag for following the team America blog...  It might be worth looking into.