Week 2 of Squaduary is now up and my Deathwatch Veterans are coming along nicely. 

In the last week, I have got most of the colours and washing done on the models. 

The Shotgun conversion is looking a bit worse for wear. Some vigorous drybrushing saw the Storm Shield come off (easier to paint underneath anyway), whereas a game on Saturday saw the other hand come off too! Some repairs are in order before he makes it to Birthday Bash. 

With the models required for the Birthday Bash tournament in a couple of weeks, I will need to finish up the squad earlier than the Squaduary deadline. No problem with that though! 

I have really enjoyed the challenge so far and hope to keep my painting mojo going. Towards that end, I have also signed up for Monster March. This event is being run by Swordmaster at the Path of an Outcast blog. The idea is to get a monster model painted up over March (as the name cleverly suggests). Since I am planning to try and get back into Age of Sigmar, I thought I would sign up and finally get my Terrorgheist done. This model has been assembled for a couple of years now and is awaiting some paint, so the perfect opportunity to get him done and maybe even finally finish my Vampire Counts army in the process. 

Anyone with some Monsters to get painted up should head over to the blog and sign up too! 

Also, please forgive the double postings recently. I've been trying to get my Fall of Biel-Tan reviews out quickly, as well as my regularly scheduled content without creating a huge backlog. I am fortunate enough to have a lot of content available in the last few weeks, so have been able to post almost daily. I was worried it would be too much, but if people are enjoying the content, it will keep coming.