I mentioned in yesterday's post that I had also worked on a Magnus the Red... well... here he is!

My client was after something very close to the box art, and that seemed like a very cool proposition, at the start. The further and further I got into the painting I realized it was all going to take me considerably longer than I had quoted for, about 50% longer. But I'm a man of my word (and learn lessons best when they're impactful) so I did not increase that cost to my client.

Magnus was painted in a few sub-assemblies (the body, the wings, and all the armor and accessories), and then put together at the end.

The base is one of the excellent new bases from the Shattered Ritual line from Secret Weapon Miniatures. I have had the pleasure of seeing these bases develop - as my friend Chris Borer worked on them he'd show off the odd WIP photo here and there. Very cool. I'm pretty sure you can find them for purchase HERE.

Again, I handed them off the the client over the weekend, and he was very happy : )

Such a wonderful model, and brilliantly engineered by the team at GW.
