In honor of the new Abbadon vs Lokken model that was just shown off by Forgeworld, I have a thought up a fun way to start a heresy era force without having to delve into Warhammer 30k. The idea is just after the video promo...

The first thing I thought when I saw the model was "Wow, I found my Abbadon model." Indeed, one of the main reasons I have not run Abbadon is because I hate his model. That also means I've never built a chosen-as-troops list. I presume you just sort of maximize damage output. I had the idea in the following way.

First I thought, well you'd have to chaos-ify him a bit. But then it struck me that you could do Abbadon as is, with units of Sons of Horus as chosen, and a unit of justaterin terminators in a land raider proteus (which basically has the same armaments as the CSM LR).

Of course, I still want to include a blob of 30 Cultists and a lord in the backfield to sit on an objective, so for that I'd probably buy 3 squads of Guardsmen, give them 3 flamers, stick a Legion Champion in it.

Abbadon would run with a unit of Justaterin Terminators in the LR Proteus (or a MK IIB). Take 5 chosen squads with rhinos, you could buy the MK IV bundle and some special weapons and assault weapons packs to equip them. 

This isn't intended to be a highly competitive list, it doesn't have Heldrakes or heavy support, but it would be fun to put together, especially with these tanks:

Oh and I just had a clever idea. Add one open hatch with a marine and give him one of the spare Missile Launchers from the heavy weapon kit to represent havoc launchers.

+++ Abby and Friends (1999pts) +++
+++ 2000pt Chaos Space Marines 6th Ed (2012) by SN Roster (PrimaryDetachment)) +++
Chaos Space Marines 6th Ed (2012) by SN (Primary Detachment) Selections:
+ HQ + (390pts)

    * Abaddon the Despoiler (265pts)        (Champion of Chaos, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, IndependentCharacter, Mark of Chaos Ascendant, Veterans of the Long War, WarlordTraits: Black Crusader)

    * Chaos Lord (125pts)        (Champion of Chaos, Fearless, Independent Character)        Blight grenades (5pts), Mark of Nurgle (15pts), Sigil ofcorruption (25pts)        * Power Armour (15pts)            Bolt Pistol, Lightning Claws (15pts)

+ Elites + (395pts)

    * Chaos Terminators (395pts)        (Deep Strike)        Chaos Land Raider (230pts), Mark of Nurgle (24pts)        * Terminator (36pts)            Combi-melta, -flamer, -plasma (5pts)        * Terminator (36pts)            Combi-melta, -flamer, -plasma (5pts)        * Terminator (36pts)            Combi-melta, -flamer, -plasma (5pts)        * Terminator Champion (33pts)            Combi Bolter, Power Weapon

+ Troops + (1214pts)

    * Chaos Cultists (171pts)        (Champion of Chaos)        26x Autogun (26pts), Champion's upgrade (10pts), 3x Flamer(15pts), 30x Squad models (champion included) (120pts)

    * Chosen (Troops) (202pts)        5x Chosen (90pts), 4x Replace boltgun w/ Meltagun (40pts)        * Chaos Rhino (47pts)            (Repair)            Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher (12pts), Searchlight, Smoke launchers        * Chosen Champion (25pts)            (Champion of Chaos)            Bolt Pistol, Gift of mutation (10pts), Power Weapon (15pts)

    * Chosen (Troops) (202pts)        5x Chosen (90pts), 4x Replace boltgun w/ Meltagun (40pts)        * Chaos Rhino (47pts)            (Repair)            Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher (12pts), Searchlight, Smoke launchers        * Chosen Champion (25pts)            (Champion of Chaos)            Bolt Pistol, Gift of mutation (10pts), Power Weapon (15pts)

    * Chosen (Troops) (232pts)        5x Chosen (90pts), 4x Replace boltgun w/ Plasma gun (60pts)        * Chaos Rhino (47pts)            (Repair)            Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher (12pts), Searchlight, Smoke launchers        * Chosen Champion (35pts)            (Champion of Chaos)            Bolt Pistol, Gift of mutation (10pts), Power Fist (25pts)

    * Chosen (Troops) (232pts)        5x Chosen (90pts), 4x Replace boltgun w/ Plasma gun (60pts)        * Chaos Rhino (47pts)            (Repair)            Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher (12pts), Searchlight, Smoke launchers        * Chosen Champion (35pts)            (Champion of Chaos)            Bolt Pistol, Gift of mutation (10pts), Power Fist (25pts)

    * Chosen (Troops) (175pts)        5x Chosen (90pts), 4x Replace boltgun w/ Flamer (20pts)        * Chaos Rhino (35pts)            (Repair)            Combi-bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launchers        * Chosen Champion (30pts)            (Champion of Chaos)            Bolt Pistol, Gift of mutation (10pts), Lightning Claws(15pts), Melta Bomb (5pts)