Hey guys and girls - Bristles here with a quick update on what's been going on in my hobby world recently. 
As per the title, it seems the Code have all gone Blood Bowl crazy and I've got the bug big time....

With my Dark Elf Core Team pretty much all finished I wanted to have a shot at doing some of the other models to represent my manager, apothecary etc so I began scouting around for suitable models. 

I figured the Dark Elf Scorceress model was an obvious choice for my Head Coach model...


For my Apothecary however I was a little more confused, that is until I saw something on a shelf and had a rather silly epiphany.....


The model is 'The Changling' from the AOS range but I replaced the plastic smoke with a slightly different effect after getting advice from Boss Bluddtoof and Inner Mech and how to go about it. Tbh I'm damn proud of how it's turned out and think he is one of my best, certainly one of my most enjoyable little projects. 

Anyway - here's a quick team photo to finish with


I've still got the Blood Bowl bug and have already decided on my next team build.....I'm just hoping it doesn't bleed me dry.................

Thanks for reading :)