So after finally painting and working on my army for the past 2-3 weeks, it was time for the actual tournament. Daryl is my buddy and he brought a beautifully painted army. 

It's a 2v2 tournament with no repeat formations.

Here is my list:

Skyhammer Formation
  • Assault Squad: 9 Marines + Sergeant with Power Weapon - all with jump packs
  • Assault Squad: 9 Marines + Sergeant with Power Weapon - all with jump packs
  • Devastator Squad: 9 Marines + Sergeant - 4 Grav Cannons
  • Devastator Squad: 9 Marines + Sergeant - 4 Grav Cannons
The following will be the three games Daryl and I had with some commentary

Game 1
The first draw we ended up playing with Lum and Melvin who are also regulars at T&D, our gaming club. This was hilarious! We just played them last week and in that practice game, it helped me hone my list. 

We rolled for first turn and in our previous game, Lum made the mistake of letting me go first, thus reducing Tau effectiveness. This time they rolled and managed to choose to go first and Lum promptly took first turn. 

Only to have us seize the initiative! 
Both Lum and Melvin visibly slumped and we had a good laugh about it. Some good old fashion luck certainly helped.

I really love this conversion! He actually used FW Ghal Vorpal and gang
Overview of the battle

Just love this amazing shot. Those Marines are dying in the droves and the Demons mop up
It was truly a war of attrition! 

While Daryl's Havocs get threatened by Lum's assault squads

My job was simple. Just go in and pull all attention to me thus allowing my partner to mop up on the objectives. Daryl got really lucky with the spawning and we managed to get all the right demons. Eventually we managed a good win, 16 to 6 - 10 point differential.

Stay tuned for Part 2