The build is a big one, and after a few night's work I've got most of the hull built. I want to take my time with it, and I plan to add extra detailing and 'hyper realistic' elements.
After unpacking i found all the pieces required, and in a fairly good condition. It's an interesting experience working on a big kit again.
So far the parts seem to fit together well. There is a big gap as seen above, but it is fixable and relatively minor. Mostly...
The main cannon has a fair sized mould line/cast slip, but not enough to make it unusable. It should be a fairly straightforward repair.
I've since raided the bits box too, to personalise the kit and make it a part of the Thousand Sons.
When it comes to painting it I have something extra special in mind. Expect a cross between my usual blue acheme, and the markings from the Horus Heresy era tanks in HH7: Inferno.